What are Book Wedding Evites?

Wedding Evites
Wedding Evites | Image Resource : de927adv5b23k.cloudfront.net

An invitation card is basically sent to the recipient by the sender, in order to request his/her presence at a particular Wedding Ceremony. Tradition dictates that a wedding card should have religious symbols, sayings, gods, etc. The newer generation is however trying to find a way to make their marriage ceremony unique. Arguably the perfect solution required to portray all the traditions in a fresh new manner, making it memorable already exist and is known as - "Book Wedding Evites".

Basically there is a minimum amount of information that must be portrayed through a Wedding Invitation Card. The name of the bride and groom and their parents, the time of the wedding, the location of the ceremony, etc. Now, the Invitation can be made into the form of a book with different information on different pages. It can have a contents page just like a real book with all the pages numbered. In today's digital age it is no longer necessary to devote time and money behind printing these books. They can just be made online and sent through the E-mail, WhatsApp and other social media platforms.

It is a favourite manner for avid book-lovers to immortalise their special occasion for eternity. They can turn the whole theme of the wedding into an all-out extravaganza based on their favourite book or books, with the Book Wedding Evites being one of the first components of the whole book-themed wedding ceremony.

Different types of E-vites

At present there are a whole range of options when people are deciding to go for a book-themed wedding. The invitations can be made into a full-size book, a mini book, a bookmark and even a library card. It is bound to get you smiling and make sure that you remember that particular wedding ceremony no matter how many you may attend.

The online invitations can also be made into a library card where the recipients have to click a box confirming whether or not they will be attending the wedding ceremony(and/or if they will bring a "+1") and E-mail it back to the sender. Book choices are something very personal to each and every person. So a Book Invite makes the recipient feel connected to the happy couple on a much more personal level.

Publishers are aware of the fact that this trend is catching on and several of the top publishers do print out Wedding Invitations and the like. So a person can literally make an arrangement to produce E-vites (online invites) and the like, in a book-form from their favourite publisher. They put the information on their template format and mail it back. It is preferable to hire an artist, as he/she can not only incorporate the book into your theme design, but give it a unique touch personal to the happy couple getting married.


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